Counter strikes or simply " counters " are strikes delivered to an opponent after blocking and checking the opponent’s hand.
Counters should be delivered with precise timing, control and accuracy.
The following will help to deliver fast and efficient counter strikes:
Counter to the nearest vital point
Counter to nearest vital point that is open or available for striking. Countering to the head is not the only option especially if it is far from your position.
The nearer the distance of your target the faster your counter will be.
Counter with the right strike
Counter with the strike that flows naturally with the body position, angle of the hands, and strike that is appropriate for the current situation. In this example, a thrust to the neck is the fastest and easiest counter to do.
Counter twice
Keep in mind that an opponent does not strike only once, countering twice enables you to watch out for other possible attacking combination an opponent might do.
Counter strike on different vital points in the body to ensure that at least one of your counter will connect to the opponent.
Practice counter with a moving sparring partner
Humans as opposed to dummy, are intelligent enough to move, strike , block and counter against you. To develop timing in delivering your counter, it is best to practice with a moving, engaging and uncooperative sparring partner.