What Arnis Sticks to use in different situations
Just as golf has its set of clubs, fishing has its sets of hooks and baits, so is Eskrima with its set of sticks. We will now look at the type of Eskrima sticks that are ideal for different kinds of scenarios:
Scenario 1: Eskrima Sticks used in Stretching and Power Generation
It is alway advisable to do stretching before you start any activity that involves muscle movements. This is to ensure that you avoid injuries and still train for another day. Aside from static stretches, I also incorporate dynamic stretches by doing flowing strikes to dynamically stretch specific muscle groups that will be used during training.
To maximize the stretch, I use heavier Eskrima sticks such as Kamagong Sticks or Bahi sticks, due to the weight of the Kamagong stick or Bahi stick and the momentum applied to it, you are forced to go with it instead of against it. Developing the flow with your weapon makes you one with your weapon. Once you develop the flow and find the path of least resistance, power will come naturally with every strike you deliver.
Scenario 2: Eskrima Sticks used in Drills and Techniques Development

Drills and techniques development should be one of the core activities done during training session. Drills like Sinawali, Sumbrada, Numerada, etc... develops timing, reflex and reaction while techniques development focuses on embelishing or polishing an already known technique. This can include variating the technique, speeding up that technique, slowing it down, adapting it to other weapons, etc...
Drills and Techniques needs repetition and repetition and repetition (and one more) repetition to ingrain it to muscles memory. Because of the characteristic of this activity, you dont need heavy sticks to restrain you and immediately tire you. This is why for drilling and techniques the Rattan sticks should be used.
Rattan sticks are medium weight, flexible and does not break immediately even with continuous and repetitive striking. You can also use Rattan sticks when doing tire hitting, however, I do not recommend using Kamagong sticks or Bahi sticks when hitting the tire because heavy sticks causes strain to the wrist, elbow and shoulders and could lead to permanent if not lasting injuries. Lastly, you might not want to use Labsika sticks because it is too light and you might feel that you are not holding anything.
Scenario 3: Eskrima Sticks used in Demonstrations

Scenario 4: Eskrima Sticks used in Competitions
During the early days when I was consistently playing for the Polytechnic University of the Philippines as a varsity player, we often played in tournaments organized by NARAPHIL (National Eskrima Association of the Philippines) and Arnis Philippines (ARPHI). NARAPHIL tournaments are "live" sticks tournaments with full amour protection from head to shin. During those days, we often used Labsika sticks due to its lightness and sturdiness. Issues with this is that not all Labsika sticks are created equal. Some are longer, some shorter, some thicker, some thinner, some heavier and some are lighter.

Nowadays, there are live Competition sticks that are same length, same thickness and weighted. This gives each competitor not just equal grounds as far as weight division and reach is concerned but also on the weight of sticks being used. Another type of competition sticks are those skinned rattan sticks with RED or BLUE colors in the body of the sticks that is of course being used by either the player on the red corner or the blue corner.
For Arnis Philippines (ARPHI) tournaments Padded sticks are used. Padded sticks has thin labsika sticks inside and wrapped with foam then covered with either red or blue covering. Padded sticks provides cushion and absorbs impact. For this reason, ARPHI tournaments has minimal protection: headgear and the groin guard for male competitors while headgear, body armour and groin guard is used for female competitor.