14 May

Mano y Mano

Arnis Mano y Mano Panuntukan System

Mano y Mano often referred to as Empty Hand, Kamao (knuckles), Kuntao, or simply Mano represents the interpretation and adaptation of weapon techniques to empty hands.  The ability to convert or adapt or translate techniques from one type of weapon empty hand is another factor that makes Arnis unique.


Opposite to common beliefs that Arnis is only weapon based (meaning you need weapon to fight), Arnis is initially trained with weapons leading to empty hand application, thus the same techniques learned using weapons such as sticks, swords, knifes can be directly adapted into empty hands.

Training with weapons contributes to the development empty hands techniques in the following manner:

a. Weapons serves a tool and utility develop flow and coordination between the hand, body and footwork. 

b. Weapons develops power as it becomes weights and strengthening tool for the hands, wrist, forearm and upper body.

c. Weapons develops coordination, reflex and timing

d. And most importantly, being frequently exposed to weapon attacks like strikes, slash, thrust, butting, etc... during training and being able to defend against it using empty hands provides a realistic approach to actual street self-defense scenarios.



About GADM

Premier Arnis, Kali, Eskrima school in Singapore

We train every Saturdays at Safra Punggol

  • Guerrero Arnis de Mano
  •  +65 8782-GADM (4236)
  •   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  •  9 Sentul Crescent Singapore Singapore 828654 Singapore

Training Schedule

  • Level 1 2:00p.m - 3:00p.m
  • Level 1 3:00p.m - 4:00p.m
  • Level 2 4:00p.m - 5:00p.m
  • Level 3 5:00p.m - 6:30p.m

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